Wednesday 19 January 2011

Front cover Analysis

Mixmag is a British dance music and clubbing magazine. It styles itself as "the world's biggest selling dance music magazine”, with an Audit Bureau of Circulations (UK) audited circulation of approximately 26,000 as of 2008-09 Launched in 1982 in the United Kingdom, Mixmag covers dance events, and reviews music and club nights.
Mixmag have used the colours yellow and blue to contrast with one another and help create a very effective design to draw in its audience. The white masthead, positioned at the top, stands out from the light blue background. It also acts to help "calm" the page down as it is full of colours some may see it as to colourful it does this due to white being neutral. 
The main image used is the band "The Prodigy". The three members are standing with the most important member at the front and the other two standing behind which connotes the one in the middle is the lead singer and is the main figure in the band. They have eye contact with the reader to show they are looking directly at the audience which has a psychological effect on the reader to make them feel as though are being addressed personally.
The cover lines have been placed down at the bottom to the left. This is because the right hand-side has been used by the free CD which would probably been the main selling point on first glance as the audience like free stuff.
The main article is in the middle in bold and in a larger font just below the main image faces. The facial expressions of the band fit with the lead article ‘came back from hell’ as the members of “Prodigy” have very cynical faces expressions.
 The skyline states ‘the world’s biggest dance music and clubbing magazine’. It is boasting about its high popularity and asserts its dominance against other rival magazines.

The magazine states "Get the mix mag Podcast!" which is an example of covergence technology. As they would be attracting a larger audience by doing this.

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