Wednesday 26 January 2011

Questionnaire Draft1 Media.

Questionnaire Draft1 Media.
Please Circle your answer(s)
1)   What gender are you?
       Male         Female
2)  What age group are you in?
10-15          16-20        21-25           26-30          31+
3)  What ethnicity are you?                  
Asian          African        Hispanic     British         other
Other please state____________________________________
4)  Are you still in education?
Yes         no           maybe
5)   How many languages do you speak?
1            2         3          4               5         6+

6)  What languages do you speak fluently? 
Other (S) please state__________________________________

7)  What music genre(s) do you listen to?

Rap/Hip Hop         Christian        Country         Classical
Rock'n'roll            Pop                RnB                Rock
Electronic            Jazz         Musical Theatre     Tango
Trance               Opera             Folk             Renaissance
Metal                Blues               Latin          World music Electronic      techno           Dance           Reggae
Disco          Bluegrass    Death metal    Black metal
Motown     Big Band/Swing         Minimalist    Other
If other please state______________________________
8)  What are your hobbies?
Playing games          Watching TV    Sports   Shopping 
Dancing                    Raving              Listening to music
Playing Instruments

9)  Who are your favourite Artists/ Bands??


10)          If you use the internet what types of website do you visit?
Social sites           Gaming sites           Music sites
Please state which site you visit___________________________________________________________________________________________

11)                                     What features would you like to see in the magazine?
Interviews    Music album reviews   Latest Fashion 
Up & coming artists     Latest concerts     Events
Other __________________________________________________________________________________________________
12)                                  How much are you willing to pay for the magazine?
£1-2       £2-3         £3-4             £4-5          £5+                

13)                                  What freebies would you like to come with the magazine?
CD’S         T-shirts         Posters         Sunglasses
      Ipod cases             Headphones                               Other

Please state____________________________

14)                                   Would you take part in any competitions?
                   Yes               No

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